4cucks agendas... png
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4pol 1-19-2018 jpg
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4pol 4-6-2023 png
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4pol 8-12-2020 jpg
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> and play the game of "spot the jew" among the posters there,
Fren, that's been happening on 4chan for a long time now. I'm sure it's the same shit as before. Here. Take a look at /b/ from 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2023. These are the years when 4chan loyalists came here trying to redirect endchan traffic back to that festering shithole. I easily went there the exact dates they did that and found tons of kike propaganda on any random visit.
> but this likely has been going on since forums came into existence.
Yes. alt.binaries of the 1990s. Now known as usenet. Imagine Christians preaching relentlessly in between loads of child porn spam. There was zero moderation back then.
> before all that, the jews started with polluting the discussion spaces even when the shows and games were still relatively untouched by their rotting influence
Yep. They've been known as a problem for centuries. The unfortunate part is they're not being exiled out of nations anymore. Over 200 times and now everyone's just passively letting them fuck everything up.
> The jews must be kicked out of all the spaces they have infiltrated. Old and new spaces alike, not leaving them to spread inside any new host.
They're kicked off here, but I wish there was more control across the entire internet. Instead of the reverse where we're kicked off their popular platforms. Let's see if I can remember all the sites I've been banned from over the years. Pinterest, Answers.com, Ask.com, Tumblr, Discord, Flickr, Instagram, Gmail, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. Kikes ran the show at the time every time. Oh also, 4chan under Mootkike and 8chan that was with Jim the jew.