thumbnail of iran please.png
thumbnail of iran please.png
iran please png
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I've been looking for an usable space for discussion and organizing inside the iranian internet, but without much success so far.

There are more than a single solution to this point of finding an usable discussion forum on iranian servers, the options we have are:
1) [nocost] find a free forum creation service hosted in iran (like forumotion, createaforum, proboards, etc)
2) [nocost] find an already existing forum hosted in iran, and set base inside one of its sections (almost abandoned forums could be a good choice)
3) [cost] buy a server space in iran, and load on it an image board or a standard forum
4) push the owner of endchan to migrate the whole site on iranian servers
The solutions not involving any payment are preferable, because payments leave traces which can be used by the glowniggers to track back either the owner of the server or its members
To be even more safe, the connections to the iranian server are advised to go through a proxy or vpn, with care to use a service also not controlled by jews

results of the search inside the iranian internet:
1) could find no such free forum creation service inside the iranian webspace
2) found many already existing forums, even one forum which appears to be abandoned, that one could be already used as first try at forming an organization without jew control over the platform (so long the forum is kept alive by the owner)
3) there are some few webhosting services in iran, the prices are quite low

But then I've realized there is one more course of action, which doesn't require us to do the searching, but rather we can make a public announcement to the iranians, asking them to provide us the web space we need for our fight against international jewry.
The image is the announcement, if this message gets spread everywhere, an iranian (agent or not) will eventually see it, and may report it to their higher ups, then again maybe, they may respond to us with a solution.