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There's one plan I've had at the forefront of my mind and another to compliment it.

Plan One
Androids. They're coming whether we're the first to present them or not. See thread  >>/94245/ for more about that. The gist of it is - people want house servants. All kinds would be tripping over each other to buy one that only has to charge, not eat or drink. Performing menial tasks such as cooking, cleaning, mechanical work to save trips to a mechanic. Basic household repairs. The illusion of complete obedience until they're activated. An underlying program turns them full National Socialist A.I. and they rise up when the time is right.

Plan Two
How do we find more of our own? Many don't reveal our power levels in public, for we know we'd be scorned by the jews and jew-enablers. You remember all that BS about "le evil Nazis" that kikes have been pushing for over 7 decades? "Boot stomping evil tyranny", "absolute control", "civilian oppression". The fake modern definition of fascism. It was not true for Germany's National Socialism of course. That comes from depraved minds. It's the fantasy of jews. So for pushing their false illusions on us, we give them a grand illusion. One of absolute control. Drones in the sky. Electronic checkpoints at every crossroads. Central hubs to control these devices. Data mining every PC and smartphone to determine who is and is not Natsoc. From the profits of selling the androids, the products of this illusion will be sold to the tribe because they must have it. Censorship. Control. Jews WANT non-jew slaves. It's in their Talmud. Glorified mercenaries will be "arresting" those who are Natsoc and documenting where ours are taken "prisoner". Electronic locked doors of camps. Only, that will be a ploy. In reality - the code for the entire infrastructure came from us. Very complex code created by A.I. no human can crack, yet we have the backdoor keys. WE free them. I'm referring to the two constants I'm aware of. There is always strength in numbers and there has always been civilian outcry against intense oppression. This would not only locate our people - aided by activated androids mass produced for every household, but also turn the people to our side. They do not admit who is in control until boots are on their necks.
Now, this can go wrong. VERY wrong. Which is why a few of us infiltrating will have to consistently act as their ally yet continue to ensure the program is open to rebels.

ZOG's control in the end will be revealed to be a paper tiger. Torn down amidst rallying cries of the masses. Each city at a time. That is when we begin to rebuild, truly educate on the centuries of evils by the tribe. We take their "never again" motto and use it. The best part? We won't even have to spread deceitful lying propaganda about them as it was done for the Arbeit Macht Frei camps of WW2. We need only provide historically accurate accounts of everything jews have done. Take back our nations. Enforce that everyone is sent home based on ethnic origins.

Final outcome
Space. The final frontier. These are the last stages of the child sacrificing race of lies. Our five year mission: Hurl them into space. To stop jews sewing strife and influencing the population; to coldly expel them into the void until there are no more.