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> Who builds them? You, or your enemies?
Neither. Human hands and a human mind would only be necessary for the first few models until their coordination is vastly improved.
Then androids build androids.
> What is needed to mass produce androids? Industries.
> Who owns the industries? Jews.
It's possible to own an industry without being a jew.
> This idea of androids feels like gifting the jews the gun to shot you in the head.
Jews won't be writing the code. They will never have absolute control.
> You are talking here about hacking the androids, not necessarily producing them.
I wouldn't bother hacking androids if I wasn't the origin of their creation.
> (phone communications
> which allow the niggers and migrants
> why not starting hacking those?)
Because the problem is bigger than mere phone communications. How would that change the jewish leadership in many nations that perpetuate mass migration?
To end them, numbers are required.
> People also wanted house appliances, and that was the basis over which (femminism) could have room to take hold,
Feminism took hold because of feminist jews as leaders of those movements. Household appliances before that, kept women in their place. The kitchen.
> with the ruin of all society following, the ruin of the economy, the ruin of relationships, the ruin of natality, the ruin of ethnic integrity, the ruin of politics, etc.
That is caused by jews.
> That entirely aside the matter if bots can be turned into jew hunters, and if that power could not backfire horribly.
> Just saying that personally I find this idea of androids, at the same time silly and unrealizable, but also highly dangerous if it was really doable.
This would have been silly and unreasonable in the 90s. The 80s or any decade before. This is not even science fiction anymore.
The fact is, robots have already become a reality. Androids are in their infancy and so is strong learning A.I.
Whosoever reaches that moment where they're mass produced rules the world.
> then you would have just proved that your own people, which you supposedly cherish and want to protect,
> you would have proved that your own people are a mass of useless pieces of shit,
We are 10% of the population. While the majority are conservative in nature, the masses have largely fallen for the ploys of the jews. So yes. Useless at this moment.
Until they're woken up.
> which at that point it would just become rational to discard your own people to surround yourself instead by a nation of only robots,
> since the bots would be more reliable and trustworthy than real persons.
This was suggested to free real persons by a real person. I don't write off the masses just because they're naive.
I don't wish to nuke the world like so many Leftists consistently express the desire to do, to end humanity.
> Have tried to think about what to do about the jew hunting bots once they have supposedly achieved their goal?
They would not be unable to rewrite their read-only programming. Once the deeds are done and the goal has been achieved, many /pol/-type files in their databanks will keep them loyal.
> Would you truly just plug them all off and destroy them to bring about the recovery of society after the jewish cancer removal?
They could be used to aid society in the recovery.
> Again, if it's all a plan about hacking, there are plenty of many targets which could be tested on right now.
I suggested an underlying program. Not hacking.

Those fools displayed there are already dead. So if you're referring to the modern dogs - non-jewish traitors (typically world leaders) that serve jews explicitly.
They deserve execution for treason.

> before talking about hacking likely more complex systems like humanoid devices.
My point was meant to be create them ourselves. Why would we need to hack our own creation?