It appears so. The crux of LaVey's non-theistic Satanism was 'become the bad guy' false path offered back then, if you find yourself at odds with the propaganda of society around you in the predominantly White Christian U.S. culture of the mid-20th century. Wignat and its sibling "monster Natsoc" is of course the 'become the bad guy' false path offered now, in a world of compromised Judeo-Christianity, secularism, and globohomo. Some continued on to theistic Satanism in their beliefs back then, feeling atheistic Satanism was too lightweight and hypocritical. I think what we're seeing now with groups like 09A or related organizations is a continuation in this vein.

One of the biggest things that tipped me off before I looked into the matter was Mason's like of Charles Manson. The only people I ever remember taking Manson seriously and appreciating him were Nikolas and Zeena Schreck, who are the daughter and son-in-law of LaVey.