this kitten png
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See this kitten? It was tortured and murdered as it screamed and begged for it's life. >>/endpolmeta/1444/ is an archive of a sick fuck jew who has been pestering this board and ban evading. But this morning, that piece of shit crossed the line. I don't know why I haven't considered this before. This was yet another eye opener about the depravity of jews. I have seen plenty of disgusting imagery and videos. I was around when Rotten was up, full of murder and gore. 4chan used to (probably still does) post gore as "chemo for the cancer". Well, if kitten torture and murder is "chemo", then we must be the cancer for the jews. I have seen the dead corpses of little children and babies massacred by Israelis, and knew then that jews are evil. I have witnessed confessions of Hollywood JEWs telling of jewish ritual murders of children. There were those bloody mattresses and tunnels in New York. Over 46 THOUSAND Palestinians, including women and children, were mass murdered last year alone by evil Israelis. Jews have been exiled over 200 times and the majority of the reasons why were missing children and jewish ritual murders. All this was reason enough to hate them. All this, as I realized almost all the world's governments had become absorbed by the Zionist Occupied Government left me blackpilled and considered maybe abandoning even giving a damn anymore. That is over. Their disgusting natures do not extend just to murdering unarmed men, women and children. The entire world is not only compromised governments and mainstream media by the jews, it is full of idiots who think "le ebil Naseas". Well, we're just normal people. We are the most rational out of all the ideals out there, because we have witnessed evil jewish history normies cannot fathom. We think, we discover, and most importantly: We feel compassion, not only for people being ruined by jewish depravities, but for all INNOCENT life. I have gained confessions by the "tribe" that when they close their eyes, they see only visions of gore, massacres, tortures, murders and death. The Tribe is pure evil as WE are trying to reveal this fact to the world. Do you think they'll stop at murdering children and kittens? The sick fucks will move onto puppies. Jews are depraved in every way, shape and form.' Every step towards TKD saves a precious kitten's life.