What is your point? Do you consider this proof?? do you want me to debunk it? Please make some more effort than just posting a link... I went to the address in the video but i'm on a shitty hotel line and have to wait 2 minutes before it manages to load more footage and i can't see the start at all — only see blur. Call me when nasa gives me a live camera i can zoom in on the earth with and control myself from a website.

Ok, so from the rt footage you see the whole earth in one shot. that is not possible with the height the iss has...

From what little i saw of the VR videos, i see the distinct iss blur that is on every footage from the iss which haven't been taken inside a plane travelling up and down for "weightlessness". The iss blur is a result of water particles and therefore you can never have perfect clarity from the camera's... unless you want to claim that nasa can't focus their camera's.

the videos were 3.22(some would say these are the skull and bones numbers) with a couple seconds of the full "earth" and the other was 1.27 m long from inside the international swimming station... but again, can't see much on this line... why don't you debunk it though, or at least ask why this is the best nasa can give us. Also, im getting really tired of fisheye lenses. Why did this ever become a thing?

In other news they are really pushing the VR angle. Everything with space now also has to have VR... Iv'e seen even freeware  and open source that suddenly has implemented VR.

ok peace.