A certain Prokhanov once said, I quote: The Russian people will be defeated, they will leave the cities for the fields, for the forests. Will collect mushrooms, berries, nuts — the Russian people is ready in a moment of great sorrows to turn into a chipmunk people, hamster people, it will store for the winter all sorts of roots, all sorts of onions. OBR usually occurs just in that very “minute of great sadness” when there is a complete fuck-up, in connection with which the ruble falls. Previously, “very fucked up” were considered sudden jumps from 60 to 70-80 rubles per dollar, or any drop in oil prices, but Vladim Vladimych every time manages to break another bottom, and the concept of “very fucked up” drops lower and lower. "We're too fucked up, it's not so fucking easy," he says.