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You're not a chipmunk.

First, at the last meeting of chipmunks, it was decided that OBR is now everywhere, and this is the entire board of OBR. He doesn't need curators like you.

Second, the legacy of OBR should not die. Including the legacy of OBR 22. My vision of OBR is a creative forge of autism in the spirit of Krautchan and Finnish smallboards. Krautchan-/int/ gave the world such memes as the warrior, the Straboshars, the proofster. Now Krautchan's legacy lives on everywhere. Finnish vats, inflated by a small group of autistics, also produced a bunch of memes. You can't have OBR pupate and become a boring Boomer chatty, where they don't joke, they don't laugh, they don't post memes. To support the meme death of the OBR is to be its traitor.

Thirdly, do not worry about the "separation of threads" or specifically for the "numbered" thread. ** The numbered thread on this (and other) boards was conducted until the February exile, it was conducted while the OBR on Abuchan flew into bamplimite for half an hour, and it was conducted until the Pynkrig, until there was no OBR on Abuchan. Nothing will happen to him. He already has his old-timers. Feel better about meme war and vision of the future.