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A separate thread for issues of moderation, bans and their cancellation, protection /polru/ from raids and vapes, inclusion / disabling of posting from the darknet, the functionality of the board is in the competence of the BO (auto-replacement, flags, CSS, banners).
Requests, suggestions, complaints, post everything here. For reports, use the built-in function of the site.
Also here you can cock-suck to discuss BO/BV, and other various attentionalists and personalities of the OBR, and of course whine about the fact that OBR is no longer a cake.
For issues of global moderation, admin activities, website functioning, and the capabilities of the endchan engine, which is not available for changing the userdosk settings, please contact >>>/operate/ (in English).

Global rules:
Do not post anything illegal in U.S. jurisdiction.
CPU, hentai (subtleties here >>> Dobrochan/2982@93), porn with animals, fierce hatspitch (especially against children), are prohibited by the site administration.
Spam, flood, vape, prohibited.

Local rules:
In fact, they are not, each case is considered individually. Usually, slave propaganda, vatniks, offtops and annoying forces outside specially created for this threads are cleaned, as well as actions aimed at disrupting the work of the board. Your shitposting may be removed.

Other Russian-language boards on Endchan:
>>>/rus/ Brad Random.
>>>/ca/ Cryptoanarchy of Cryptopunk
>>>/bb/ Substances
>>>/dota/ Dot 2
>>>/gacha/ Genshin Impact
>>>/dobrochan/ Dobrochan's backup board
>>>/ukr/ Ukrainian
>>>/navalny/ Navalny headquarters
>>>/his/ History
>>>/obr/ Alternative OBR
>>>/lgbt/ LGBTQ
>>>/nab/ The Endless Raid

Endchan mirrors: America, with cloudflare America without cloudlare Europe, with cloudflare
http:/endchancxfbnrfgauuxlztwlckytq7rgeo5v6pc2zd4nyqo3khfam4ad.onion Tor
http://enxx3byspwsdo446jujc52ucy2pf5urdbhqw3kbsfhlfjwmbpj5smdad.onion Tor backup
http://kqrtg5wz4qbyjprujkz33gza7r73iw3ainqp1mz5zmu16symcdwy.loki Lokinet

Donations to Endchan's hosting:

For mobile posting:
Images in the webm are fixed, captcha works, layout is optimized for the phone screen.


A small set of spellets and styles for a doll for a conformist who does not want to adapt and sit like didds of Russophobe-Nazpterodaktel (guarantees that will work / will not break anything / will not merge the anus - no):
!#exph[polru](/Id:/) Hiding the Mandatory from under the torus, leaving only those who take one-off trips. is a Muon interface for endchan. is a dark topic for Kharkachev. - Makaba. - Candy. - Dark Orange. – Spelts for colored peonyau and auto-hide. is a simple script for easier thread navigation.

Dashchan's Endchan fork:
An extension of the endchan, version of DashchanFork (un)official.
Before installation - remove the actual Dashchan if it is already installed And the expansion of Endchan, you will need to put a new forked version through the dasha itself as written above.

If you itch to test something, please go to >>/test/ or >>/128014/, and not check directly in the live thread.

Global Logs of Moderation:

For fork cleaners:

OBR Trade Archive:

Previous moderator thread sinks here >>/595591/