format - board is missing in lookups: [polru]
what we have [Array
    [0] => >>polru/649819
    [1] => polru
    [2] => 649819
    [3] => 
format - (>>/malform/35) thread is missing in lookups: [polru][649819]
- Endchan Magrathea
1. Glass or other similar materials sewn into a lining, which is deliberately made loose
2. Pulse radio transmitters with an antenna along the entire contour of clothing, which, according to the received signal, send a response (i.e. one large drone sends a powerful signal, catches answers, a small drone hovering on the signal flies at coordinates)
3. Absorbed through the skin psychoactive substances that impregnate the lining. And let them try to prove that they did not get it themselves and persisted (and for drugs they shoot, like)