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- Endchan Magrathea
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Distraught ruble trade 569 (3320)
Welcome to the longest politachian thread.
Everything comes. The show will be long and unforgettable if you survive.
Past reference: >>/651121/

For all new arrivals:
Rolls are made in advance, so please first finish the old thread up to 1000 posts (see the number of posts in the thread, without a doll, you can from the catalog of threads), and only then roll.

Infu about the rules of the board, mirrors of the site and its functionality, markup, logs, posting from mobile phones, and other useful little things can be found here: >> Polru/630693@630693. You can also contact moderators there.

Navigation on thematic threads:
>>/417699/ News
>>/128014/ Testing for auto replacements
>>/polru/462183@462183 Zradotred
>>/95170/ Ageing forecasts
>>/158791/ Emigration
>>/129185/ Schizoid insiders of Nulcekun
>>/82915/ Base and agenda
>>/484027/ Kovidoschiki
>>/531661/ IT and electronics trade
>> Polru/44761@44761 Avtoprom
>>/12753/ Trend of deliverance from despair
>>/142370/ Poems and prose
>>/347888/ Newspeak dictionary
>>/493948/ Radio Archive OBR
>>/326262/ Memes with song
>>/polru/324641@324641 Webm/MP4
>>/232083/ Rational racism
>>/polru/583502@583502 LGBT people
>>/430561/ The eviction of patriots from YouTube
>>/485056/ Spellings for dolls and more
>>/226432/ 282/666 Tradition base
>>/408185/ Elections on the slave trade
>>> Polru/649258@649258 US elections
>>>/377402/ Freeze wolf's tail! Cold frost heating
>>/51041/ Distraught Barel Tread Oil
>>/131016/ Distraught Gas Tread
>>/284336/ Distraught Tread Chicken
>>/449489/ Distraught Cryptocurrency Bitcoin
>>>/603442/ Distraught citizen of France
>>/170688/ OBR light
>>/326678/ Almost free to communicate
>>/313657/ Series and everything related to them
>>/polru/165059@165059 Anime
>>/368007/ >>>/rus/65934/ Video games
>>>/rus/8452/ Bioproblem Tread

>>>/obr/14/ - Alternative Anarchist OBR by Architect aka Mazanka. Freedom is declared except for spam and flooding.

Who wants to help the opposition:
https:/ / 3D printing for the army Sternenko Drones
https:/ / Battalion K-2 54 OMBR
https:/ / (Paha will extradite you)