>> Now, with the closure of the Department of Education and the transfer of control of education into the hands of each individual city (and even EVERY SEgregate School, because now parents can fire a principal they do not like), some centralized and systematic educational program in the United States is canceled!
It's like Peacock's.
>> You just have to come up with your curriculum for a year!
>> I'm just cocking with the "return of prayers" and "learn to love the motherland."
Choose a director, come up with a curriculum without prayers and love for the homeland.
>> I believe that the first stage of the "fight for free speech" and for "freedom of colleges from Marxist propaganda" will be the control of the educational program by the Republicans.
Trump threatens to shut down the Department of Education.
You shit yourself.
>> Yes, they will sell control to Americans as freedom.
Students have no freedom. The Ministry of Education decides for them.