> Only african tribes went further in their barbarian actions
Well, most of them are also Muslims, so this is expected. However, I can recall an interesting exception in the form of Pol Pot's Red Khmers - technically they are post-Buddist Commies, but if you check their doings during the ideological cleansings, well, there is really not much difference with the Muslims. The same goes for the cartels in Brazil in the 90s - humanity always was pretty bloodthirsty, especially when we talk about third-world countries.

> Не знаю от чего у меня каждый раз такой восторг вызывает то что сенпай нас, в смысле ру борды, заметил.
Ты ведь вкурсе, что можно просто сидеть на реддите и напрямую общаться с западным барином, не надеясь, что он тебя заметит на асайлумовой борде?