1. The payment service provider of the payer shall ensure that transfers of funds are accompanied by the following
information on the payer:
(a) the name of the payer;
(b) the payer’s payment account number;
(c) the payer’s address including the name of the country, official personal document number and customer identifi
cation number, or, alternatively, the payer’s date and place of birth; and
(d) subject to the existence of the necessary field in the relevant payments message format, and where provided by the
payer to its payment service provider, the current LEI of the payer or, in its absence, any available equivalent official
2. The payment service provider of the payer shall ensure that transfers of funds are accompanied by the following
information on the payee:
(a) the name of the payee;
(b) the payee’s payment account number; and
(c) subject to the existence of the necessary field in the relevant payments message format, and where provided by the
payer to its payment service provider, the current LEI of the payee or, in its absence, any available equivalent official
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