Я так тоже могу
Upon the entry of Soviet tanks into Budapest in 1956 (see Hungarian Revolution), however, Sartre’s hopes for communism were sadly crushed. He wrote in Les Temps Modernes a long article, “Le Fantôme de Staline,” that condemned both the Soviet intervention and the submission of the PCF to the dictates of Moscow. Over the years this critical attitude opened the way to a form of “Sartrian socialism” that would find its expression in a major work, Critique de la raison dialectique , Tome 1: Théorie des ensembles pratiques(1960; Critique of Dialectical Reason, Volume 1: Theory of Practical Ensembles). Sartre set out to examine critically the Marxist dialectic and discovered that it was not livable in the Soviet form. Although he still believed that Marxism was the only philosophy for the current times, he conceded that it had become ossified and that, instead of adapting itself to particular situations, it compelled the particular to fit a predetermined universal.
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