We believe in Adolf Hitler,
the immortal Leader of our race,
singular gift of Providence,
greatest figure of all time,
alive in our hearts today and forever.
We believe in his holy Cause,
which is the New Order,
the fulfillment of Aryan destiny in accordance with the eternal laws of life,
the hope and future of of our kind on earth.
We believe in his Movement,
the true, undivided body of his followers,
which bears the name of his Cause as the instrument of his will,
consecrated by the blood of heroes and martyrs
the only way to world redemption.
NIGGERS, ASIANS and all sorts of BROWNS are replacing my race in my own country. Stop derailing to complain about the war, it's irrelevant. The fact is that a single nigger migrant to my country is exponentially worse than a single ethnic-russian just due to the genetic distance. Chinese aren't as bad as niggers considering genetic-distance,, but still far worse than any white immigrant, and they're arguably worse than niggers because they're intelligent and have a higher capacity to replace our indigenous elite (which is historically how most genocides have taken place - the foreign elite replacing the lower indigenous people due to higher birth rates and more wealth to advance their offspring and pay for healthcare etc.)
Putin's regime isn't National Socialist. NatSocs are persecuted in Russia the same as they are in every other European nation. The solution is to overthrow our governments and to have Nation Socialism be the New Order in Europe.