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Alright, would've been here sooner but have been a bit sick.

What can I say about this episode? I enjoyed it much more than last week's. It got me to chuckle more than once and I actually outright laughed twice. Applejack's flinging Rainbow Dash into the horizon and her baking the cupcakes with Pinkie Pie. The hardest I laughed so far (however early this might be in) this rewatch of Season 1. I think this episode struck the right balance between having the point of view primarily being Applejack with just enough Twilight Sparkle as a side plot of her reacting to the aftermaths of their antics and trying to intervene. The lesson is also solid. Take it from somebody who has this mentality. I.. I actually can't believe I have never thought of this before. I am Applejack when it comes to work sometimes (and their is something of a country connection, my late grandfather was also like this) and yeah... sometimes would bite off way more than I could chew from a sense of duty. 

Solid 7.1/10 from me.

Odds and Ends
There is a lot I could point out here but I am going to make it brief. One thing that stood out to me was how many times that I saw many faces from this episode in screencaps and covers. I guess a lot of Season 1 and Season 2 were like this and this one was no different. 

What about all those relatives that I met when I first came to Ponyville, can't they help? Twilight Sparkle said this here and it got me wondering, how long has Twilight been in Ponyville at this point (some potential context in Season 2 I won't get to yet). I think more likely than not it wouldn't be more than two or three months but the way this line was said feels like she has been here longer than a few weeks.

...speaking of time, one week we have confirmed passing in this episode alone.  This is one of those things that probably should have not much thought put into it (one episode set in winter, another not) but I still like too.

Cows, we don't have much of an idea of Cows' relationship to ponies yet. From here:
> Sentient 

> Seemingly somewhat free roaming

Mules! Our first siting! I know, just the but of a joke, but I could run with questions:
> Mules, hybrid between donkey and a horse, (maybe pony?)

> Who was that particular mule on Applejack's property? Farm hand?