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> That is something that ironically the tumblrites seemed to have reverted to the same reason as conservative types. I mean, it's a bit more complex then that, I've seen cases myself with some still see such as empowering, but I seen cases where even if they are involved in some way with such kinda work still reblogging stuff about how horrible such work is, sometimes going full circle saying that the people involved themselves are bad for even being minor level suggestive stuff. Real confusing.

That's what political circlejerking does and not for good reasons.
I have to confess something and I personally was for keeping prostitution illegal until last year. I was a little bit conservative on that aspect but then I have changed my mind.The only thing that I am against is the black market behind them that exploits them and treat them badly,that's partially true from the tumblrinas.

However,those rights are being fought and the job of prostitution has conditions. Conditions which the own subject accepts with all the risks behind the contract. Risks of being violated or having disgusting nights of works shares the same problems of a race driver having a huge crash or a surgeon having to have a huge stomach for operating or fucking up vital parts during the process,being a tense period. No job is free of bad moments. I understand those complaints but like everything, they should overcome them personally,not by blaming others for it unles we are talking about the black market topic.

I am in the middle,it's another service that delivers offer and demand,nothing else. I don't know what's so hard to get about it.

> I think your reasoning is real good with this. For her its a way of life that she actually enjoys, even if she didn't come into such work under the best of circumstances.
Basically I have combined down to earth reality and something that people don't usually see beyond that. I struggled a little bit with the concept but when I got the excuse of her poor circumstances,the rest was flowing by itself. When you work at something for so long,you'd better enjoy it or at least,try to find comfort between the misery. She could have ended up better but I needed to explain those images and the reasons behind. What I didn't expect was to write it this long though.

> I may count somewhere on the moralfags spectrum, but I don't like them either. They are dehumanized by everyone a little. It is also real stupid to try to ban everything because it upsets you.
It comes as inmature and I feel like we are being driven by children or psychopaths. It doesn't matter if you tend to the morals, the important thing is to have common sense and discuss properly a problem,not shouting at others with childish and loud manners. Sadly,while that autism has served on the internet for many jokes and tears(MLP,memes,viral videos...),it has also brought the worst kind of propaganda.
> I mean come on! They are both doing the same things for sometimes the opposite reason! Blacks shouldn't marry whites because whites are racist. We also need to have seperate housing and bathrooms. Also, now that we have fought for the right to where short shorts we now must police such sexualized shameful displays that women have been brainwashed to wear. 

You are told to do this,you have to wear that,you have to act like this,you have to say this.....gee,where does that mentality come from? *thinking man intensifies.
SJW and antiSJW are the same. Both extremes.....collide and they get together. Basically,what I have learned from communism. Then nazism and fascism copied the worst things from communism in order to fight it.100 years and we still never learn.....anyway

pic related is the one where Radiance was being educated by her father. Little details that have served me to join everything. I swear I cannot appreciate what I have done by doing a story like this....and I don't like throwing flowers to myself but goddamn