web.archive.org: 190 seconds between save requests = still get HTTP 429 TOO MANY REQUESTS (wget --spider). Months ago, 45 seconds between save requests was totally fine (all HTTP 200).

> video about statistical anomalies and such in the 2020 US presidential election:
> https://web.archive.org/web/20210524063655if_/https://ninetailed.ninja/ipfs/bafybeigdwgnaonllntmie3fwcimtbop7k55g7l5kasbtbg7aeoegnguow4
Trans sisters...
> To Honor Biden's Declaration of Transawareness Day We Are Now Transbooru. Click Here For Our Statement
> [Statement:] The most popular president in American history (by number of votes) has rechristened Easter Sunday as Trans Awareness Day. Here at PonerPics, we like to do things after everyone else has already done them. Therefore, we are declaring Easter Monday to no longer be associated with a Christian Holiday, but with trans visibility, so that for one day out of a 366 day leap year, we may remember that Trans people exist. And of course, go back to forgetting about them the other 365 days a year.

> Or, I could do a different solution
Going with the non-repartition solution for now...