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> That also interesting. I remember in one of my few true fic reading beiges that I was looking for something with this theme. Sadly a lot of it was just edgy gray on gray or evil is cool as opposed to that. Not saying it isn't there, but I do find it often conflated with other stuff.
It's kind of hard not to put it into the edgy zone. Just like emo,people see it as a bad thing because of the mainstream cliches and those popular images hurt the ideas. However, those edgy moments you have put on them could defined or have some kind of impact if they don't come out of nowhere. Edgyness can have some meaning despite its awful executions surprisingly. Just that many love to jump into the cool ship before the start,they don't leave air nor meaning for the concept/idea.

> I can stare at loops like that for hours sometimes. That gif is elite-tier btw.
For celebrations like these,one has to use the top score images. This event should be no exception

Pic related is Jack. I could have used another OC for the customer role but I saw that name in the tags and I went for it.