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> I have to confess something and I personally was for keeping prostitution illegal until last year. I was a little bit conservative on that aspect but then I have changed my mind.The only thing that I am against is the black market behind them that exploits them and treat them badly,that's partially true from the tumblrinas.

Not much of a confession to someone that is an unironic social conservative. Though I find such things imoral and a bit dangerous, I think its a risk people ought to be allowed to take. Besides, it's better to legalize it in regards to reducing risk for'em anyway. It's always going to be there, and unless you want to try doing police state style measures you're never going to snuff it out without a great expense to society.  My gov has a few bills around that are really scary 

> That's what political circlejerking does and not for good reasons.

Yep. It is just sad. To be fair there still are some factions and groups that are not going full stupid, but most are being pushed to the sidelines right now. 

> When you work at something for so long,you'd better enjoy it or at least,try to find comfort between the misery. She could have ended up better but I needed to explain those images and the reasons behind. 

Exactly. writing them as a person-er pony. 

> Sadly,while that autism has served on the internet for many jokes and tears(MLP,memes,viral videos...),it has also brought the worst kind of propaganda.
> ou are told to do this,you have to wear that,you have to act like this,you have to say this.....gee,where does that mentality come from? *thinking man intensifies.
SJW and antiSJW are the same. Both extremes.....collide and they get together. Basically,what I have learned from communism. Then nazism and fascism copied the worst things from communism in order to fight it.100 years and we still never learn.....anyway

It is also sad how much misinfo both sides have. One thing that I found kind of weird is that people sometimes are in such a web of meme infographics and reading through huffpost or brietbart is that sometimes they don't even know there are better arguments against the thing they are shrilling about. On the progressive side, they often shrill us supporting the Khmer Rouge, yet that is serverly overstated, often leaving out that many of the early lefty leaders were sympathetic to Pol Pot at the freaking hight of his power. Yet there were dictators in Africa that the USA supported that are way less fuzzy examples and don't carry that inconvenient fact. The same can be said how many on the right self undermine there own arguments on gun control because if crime was going down then it wouldn't justify their "law and order" crap.


> Edgyness can have some meaning despite its awful executions surprisingly. Just that many love to jump into the cool ship before the start,they don't leave air nor meaning for the concept/idea.

For me it wasn't that they were just edgy. It was that the logic was poor. Like I can love "what have I done" style realizations with the now exiled bat pony who never did the crime. It was just too arbitrary and simple logic driving the characters wrapped in an edgy out layer. I suppose I could've worded that better. 

> For celebrations like these,one has to use the top score images. This event should be no exception

Top score indeed.