> Copied a >100 GB folder: equestriadaily.com WARC
Also around that size - >50 GB folder:
. mutable source? Google Drive
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmdyZTovHgFrGRdTfa2LHJi4GwUTfeaAAx8onqHZndz467 https://iwiftp.yerf.org/Pony/Website%20archive/Fan-made/canterlotavenue.com/
Argument against taking someone's entire work and reuploading it without permission:
. "illegal"
. "morally/ethnically bad"
I'm glad that in the MLP community there's websites like Ponerpics and Twibooru that say no to this moralfaggotry and legal kowtowing. Maybe those sites will only exist in Tor if Internet stuff gets worse in the future.
> DarkViperHIV
I watched more on that situation - all of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=Xey9lpi0Go0 "How YouTube's Copyright Blunder Sparked a Hate Campaign Against Me" and part of https://iv.ggtyler.dev/watch?v=-uwPY458y0s Chud Logic. Xey9lpi0Go0 = made me think even more so that Dviper's views are stupid and he's a little bitch. I could explain more as to why I think he's wrong and refute/deconstruct his ideas: maybe later. I kinda agree with the guy talking in opposition to Dviper at the end of Xey9lpi0Go0. If Dviper read what I wrote ITT perhaps he'd still say his truth is the absolute truth, fucking numpty. From an archivist's perspective, his rabid attitude against people sharing and talking about things is ridiculous, and I wish less people acted like him on the Internet.