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> Not much of a confession to someone that is an unironic social conservative. Though I find such things imoral and a bit dangerous, I think its a risk people ought to be allowed to take. Besides, it's better to legalize it in regards to reducing risk for'em anyway. It's always going to be there, and unless you want to try doing police state style measures you're never going to snuff it out without a great expense to society. My gov has a few bills around that are really scary
A social conservative....nice,I fit around the liberal spectrum(centrist for US terminology) but more or less,next to yours in the end[spoiler] I was a natsoc because of /pol/ during 4 hours and then Incame back to liberalism[/spoilsr]. I think that conservatives are going to define the direction of this century,for very good reasons.It may be the natural direction after seeing what is happening to the West. 
About the legalization, there is always risk,especially in big countries like yours or in less developed ones. It may not be now but I think it could reduce part of that risk. 
Your gov has some secret documents around there and some bills about....well,beyond prostitution just to leave it at that.

> To be fair there still are some factions and groups that are not going full stupid, but most are being pushed to the sidelines right now.
Those groups pretty much stay either silent or do not talk about politics all the time. You only hear them a bit when things get too repulsive and it affects on their lives.

> It is also sad how much misinfo both sides have. One thing that I found kind of weird is that people sometimes are in such a web of meme infographics and reading through huffpost or brietbart is that sometimes they don't even know there are better arguments against the thing they are shrilling about. On the progressive side, they often shrill us supporting the Khmer Rouge, yet that is serverly overstated, often leaving out that many of the early lefty leaders were sympathetic to Pol Pot at the freaking hight of his power. Yet there were dictators in Africa that the USA supported that are way less fuzzy examples and don't carry that inconvenient fact. The same can be said how many on the right self undermine there own arguments on gun control because if crime was going down then it wouldn't justify their "law and order" crap.
Propaganda,interests and lots...lots of money. What is scary is that I had fallen once into the far right one, I could repeat it again. The best things is not to look through social media but looking at how history was. The journalists those sites have are pseudointellectuals paid to make X article,believe their own lies and put the lowest common denominator arguments just to not think about. To sum it up,dumbing down the topic.
Also,it woildn't be strange that they supported to Pol Pot. Socialism has let communists to be above them,that explains their support to Pol Pot. The only lefties that you will find against communism.....are excommunists. 
About the gun control, I don't have a clear sight on it. I am passing on this one. I have an idea about it and I could give an opinion but I cannot put serious thoughts about that topic.