Based take. 

> I was reading this text file, which is a story, I think:

Maybe it is just my limited reading comprehension from tiredness but just skiming through it feels very scatter shot and weird. I cannot tell if this is some sort set up for  porn, semi-autobiographical life story or musing, or transport to Equestria fic.

Feels this place was where someone composed MLP fics.
Take this for example:
> crazy-grandpa.md

> “Grandpa, what are you doing 30 miles into the death flats!”

> “Creating life!!”

> “Grandpa, you’re a mad man!”

> What did I get into?!

> old-world-cataclysm.md'

> Implied heavily that a war destroyed the old world.

> Slowly revealed that it was fomented due to an unknown energy wreaking havoc on the universe itself.

> ...pony planet blowing up?

> Taking advantage allowed super weapons, accelerating technology.

> So old recordings are like “this new energy is going to destroy everything! Our whole society is dependent on scarcity and redistribution! one man with this much power, it’s only a matter of time before— we have to destroy it!”

(this seems more like a personal note or something, still, a odd way to store such files).

> plot.hish

> She meets other “constructs” over the exploration, usually made via ancient fabricator platforms that used to make military arsenal on the spot (dispensers wat). They’re typically single-use, since they can’t be recharged. Vast majority are just dead. In theory, a break to the winter weather could start the solar panels charging up again. Most have long ago decayed though. Most are machine-like but still sort of sentient-ish. Follow orders, don’t care about things. The only one Dinky finds that has a personality also thinks that it’s from another world, thus confirming that she’s....... still completely alone in a strange world with no way of knowing if her people made it or not.

> End game: Dinky finds her people lost in limbo, gets allies (probably not that asshole) to study the platforms, identify how to fabricate solar panels, install them in a big platform, then find a still working platform in order to fabricate the greatest flyer to ever come out of Cloudsdale. Derpy Hooves! She cleans up the sky, and the sunlight charges the fabricators, allowing Dinky to bring her ponies back into the real world, and reunite with her mother, Princess Twilight Sparkle.

> Fabricator they’re at turns out to be site of ancient city, now site of new pony city-state, wh

> It's running a Ubuntu-based OS 

I wasn't aware of any Ubuntu based OS still supporting 32 bit after Ubuntu stopped doing so. Are you sure it isn't Debian or is there one I am not aware of?