thumbnail of twibooru-2382223.jpg
thumbnail of twibooru-2382223.jpg
twibooru-2382223 jpg
(1.19 MB, 3230x3367)
> magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3f22f4ef8369bd9b55f2740e5fafe1d269d002e5
That uses only one web seed URL: an IPFS gateway link to a file (assuming &ws= is hashed by the infohash like &tr= is). Months ago in /mlp/, someone wondered if could be used as a webseed. A reply was basically this: data can be uploaded to IA via torrent(s), but IA will only leech it (and may not seed it while leeching) until 100% then stop interacting with it; then IA will only seed the autogenerated torrent. What was missing from that reply: a webseed URL -- such as (for "HP DeskJet F2400 All-in-One Printer Driver" in BitTorrent) -- can be used in a torrent and it will work. As long as that link is not loginwalled and not deleted, then it will work in such a torrent. Also, don't use a resolved link like because those are unstable. For web seed links to work, they must to be all of the following: HTTP(S), online, accessible, and matching to the torrent file.

I have seen web seed URLs used for single-file torrents, but do they work with multiple-file torrents? IDK. How I think that could work: you could specify a URL like (offline) and have a torrent which contains all of those files related to that HP DeskJet driver; then, it would check that webseed link and add the filenames to the end of the URL. It either works as a 1:1 mapping or a 1:many mapping. With 1:1 you have to have a webseed URL for each file in the torrent. With 1:multiple, you could have one URL -- say -- and it would then check[torrent_file_1],[torrent_file_2], etc.

Speaking of a hashtree or folder with multiple files, here's the CID for the extracted version of that torrent (copied):
. torrent?  >>/10155/ -> source/extracted version
. where? zb, offline /ipfs/QmRmgpxbXLQmWS2g8CeZFBULfSym3YzxzxEFC8DhjPiSUs  2024-04-09T07:46:18.818101180Z