> A social conservative....nice,I fit around the liberal spectrum(centrist for US terminology) but more or less,next to yours in the end
Hey, it means your interested in good governance. I actually don't mind liberal/neoliberal/centrist or whatever else ya wanna call them. Sure, a lot my be in the pockets of someone, but so is everybody who shrills against them. Though there is certainly some variation in terminology from country to country and what not, we maybe not too far apart politically, at least in regards to how we want a country to be run. I may be a wet blanket when it comes to sex and drugs but I don't want my views forced on everyone else, Main difference would probably in running things probably would be in how we achieve a system. Conservatives tend to want to just dismantle and cripple a institution, while someone like you would actually be interested in getting it working. We honestly need more people like that.
> Your gov has some secret documents around there and some bills about....well,beyond prostitution just to leave it at that.
There are state bills that are on the table that would we require to police porn acess/offensive content in general, not to mention FOSTA
> What is scary is that I had fallen once into the far right one, I could repeat it again. The best things is not to look through social media but looking at how history was.
Because with many SJW's they would love to force even moderates from polite society. It actually what creates a lot of the problems they shrill aginast in my opinion. For example, anyone who wanted to even touch immigration with even the slightest concern being cast as racist and no mainstream party touches it much, then when you start having problems that are just ignored, with the only people being against them being ones with pretty far right views of varying levels of racist thought. You get rid of anyone who would be willing to fix the problem and being willing to compromise and only have a bloc of voters who are increasing far right xenophobic.
> I think that conservatives are going to define the direction of this century,for very good reasons.It may be the natural direction after seeing what is happening to the West.
I think it could go a few ways. Anywhere from a brief right wing backlash followed by a massive left wing backlash because the right gets enough power to do damage but is too far right too ever be accepted as mainstream. Also I could crazy right wingers getting into power, then crazy left wingers, then a massive moderate and or even non mainstream backlash of someshort. I think the right could have a massive influence on things however if they become even the slightest bit pragmatic and the left continues to be subverted by crazy SJW thought. So I think it has decent chance though I still see other outcomes quite possible.