format - thread is missing in lookups: [pone][10243]
- Endchan Magrathea
> exclusive data
Such as
. The ~100 GB of films listed here (includes DVD image ISO files and stuff):
. Probably not MLP TP WARC /ipfs/QmYwmARaevcTA4y3sT3M65b3p7EnKVVJ9FzyMuxuugBcFJ - don't think I deleted that after copying it

NTFS is basically "The Windows Filesystem", because you have to use chkdsk in MS Windows with it sometimes. However, compared to ZFS, with NTFS it seems easier to undelete files. I may have to undelete said 100 GB of movie data in that NTFS HDD. In general and overall, ZFS is probably better than NTFS; New Technology File System is proprietary and/or requires proprietary software to really use it.

> zpool is not importable
I ran this command for more than 24 hours, after which, it showed the following output:
> $ sudo zpool import -f -FXn zb
> Would be able to return zb to its state as of Mon 22 Apr 2024 12:23:06 PM MDT.
> Would discard approximately 35 minutes of transactions.
> $ #
Now running this:
> $ sudo zpool import -f -FX zb
> # forums there became or will become read-only (write something in AT wiki?)

> deleted off of but saved by me
Missing metadata files (2 XMLs + 1 .torrent) and dervied files:
. mutable source? live=deleted
. where? HPC >>/pone/10243@9086
*missing nonpinned blocks