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> They were, for the most part. It's not that I even fully dislike edgy either. Sure, I may not like mid 2000s sonic/anime OC with green day song, but I actually can dig a "Twilight Sparkill" that is drawn from that style if she is well drawn and half decently written.
Anything can work to be honest. Twilight could be a huge menace and those chances are not too margin if we consider Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon. Also,consider that Deviantart stuff could be used for funny stuff. That segment of Rainbow Dash using lasers made fun of that trend,yet they used the same tools for an edgy moment. 
In the end,dark art and a good story can hold a very lasting impact. Most of those evil versions of Celestia and Luna have some of the sickest art I have seen from this fandom and they don't transmit happy feelings exactly.

> I would have to go searching, as I haven't look at those fics in awhile. Basically I was looking at TS turns against Celestia/goes rough. Most of the ones that I found had very flimsy logic and TS being too self righteous. Sometimes immediately going to a payoff of "what have I done" or TS getting the upper hoof in something without making it worth it. Ironicly did find a few cool/decent ones with better plot progression and grammar, but they were abandoned. The coolest one I found though was a subversion of the trope that made the inter sting case that even if Celestia was evil or of questionable intent that Twilight would likely side with her. Everypony else having turned against celestia in a fanfic logic way with TS breaking her out of prison if I recall correct.
Considering that Twilight is too blind and doesn't question much Celestia,I can see that perfectly happening. It makes sense she would get conflicted between choosing her ideal mentor or her friends. Tough choice but not all the things lead to harmony and historically,many have followed the decisions of a crazy figure without hesitation. 
If nothing screams "ow the edge" just to get for cool and instant situations, then it may work.