> It doesn't surprise me but,what the fuck?

There have been multiple bills circulating on he state level that have the crazy idea that we can fight porn and sexual abuse by putting a $20 fee to be able to  access "adult content" on all electronic devices. Not sure the chances of'em becoming law but its scary that they are even getting into debate. I hear Rhode Island's is the worst of them.

But the biggest fish out there is FOSTA/SESTA. FOSTA is a house bill that took a lot of ideas from SESTA which was a really really bad senete bill that had been dancing around and now looks like it has a chance to pass. If the shrilling on it is to be believed, it could destroy the internet as we know it. Though I am a little doubtful it will go that far the effects could be pretty bad. 

 Internet activist shrilling. 
 left wing shrilling 
 right wing shrilling 

Hardly anyone is opposing such a bill both out of ignorance to the net that most law makers and the fact that rivals would easily use it as attack against ya, because on paper to a laymen this bill looks very bad to oppose. Only a few well informed democrats and the tea party aligned house liberty caucus mounted any kind of resistance. which wasn't even that organized because both groups normally hate each others guts. Doesn't look good for senate.