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2018 video not in TPA - "Pmv-How To Save A Life (The Fray)":
When sharing links in this context, it makes sense to share the channel playlist link of it (playlist which starts with UU or UC and not PL).
What are some online storage solutions? In the past I thought that Filecoin was easier than it really is. Only way to earn in Filecoin is by having powerful hardware or being involved in a datacenter. It is an elitist mining environment as seen by the hardware requirements here:
. https://filecoin.io/blog/posts/a-guide-to-filecoin-storage-mining/
. https://lotus.filecoin.io/storage-providers/get-started/hardware-requirements/
Therefore, if you want to have your data "in the cloud" with this method, users are mainly going to be paying FIL to some Chinaman or whoever to store it and provide retrieval services. Filecoin is like "have IPFS data online and easily accessible/downloadable for an agreed-upon amount of time." Is there a free solution? Yes, 1. self-hosting ipfs with crappy upload speeds and/or hardware (or not). Or, 2. find someone willing to host it on Filecoin for free (not considering gas fees). Or, 3. upload NFT-related data to nft.storage or participate in something else which is part of the Filecoin Plus program. (BitTorrent is also a free solution.)
Other note: in this 2022 Filecoin-related video https://inv.tux.pizza/watch?v=MlhZlKgzSI8 a guy said that "experts believe that the total data created will triple in the next 5 years." So 50 ZB to 175 ZB in regards to the global data sphere. Zettabytes globally (but how much is stored in outer space or not-Earth?). (Also, for non-elitist mining, I would recommend Monero.)
> That guy holding a pony picture
These 3 images were selected with the help of decentralized randomness beacon - rounds 7888, 7788, 7688:
$ r1=$(curl -sL \
https://api.drand.secureweb3.com:6875/52db9ba70e0cc0f6eaf7803dd07447a1f5477735fd3f661792ba94600c84e971/public/7888 \
| jq .randomness | sed "s/\"//g"); r2=$(echo $((16#$r1)) | sed "s/-//g"); \
echo -e "import random\nrandom.seed($r2)\nprint(random.randrange(1, 1811))" | python3 -
$ find . | sort | grep -n $ | grep "^1381"(It would have been better if I used find on a "popular folder" instead of a "random one" that I have.)