> website archive.today
I recommend also using that site because Wayback Machine (WBM) sometimes deletes stuff. Multiple times, it seems that I got blocked from archive.ph. If I go there now in Brave, it shows a white page with the message "Welcome to nginx". However, if I go to that site in lynx browser, it works as expected.
Was saved here - video file showed up yesterday in WBM but not today:
HTTP 403:
Working proxy:
> cf-ipfs.com redirects to ipfs.io or dweb.link: both of which performed significantly worse than CF gateways
I think I first noticed this in 2024-05-21 UTC. A 2024-05-20 12:41 UTC capture of cf-ipfs.com (no redirect to non- cf-ipfs.com):
That text file is basically this:
> # The Great Web
> The Great Web is a web that lasts. It is based on three simple ideas.
> ## Access
> Anyone who can store secret and compute digital signatures can use the Great Web. Humans, robots, animals, plants, and even mycelium can use it without discrimination and limits.
> ## Immutability
> Particles in the Great Web can survive through spacetime thanks to frozen content addressing. So the Great Web can last indefinitely.
> ## Universality
> The Great Web is built by connecting particles through cyberlinks. The result is universally acceptable language, dynamic but understandable and acceptable by anyone.