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> but also with how SJWs can sometimes not even accept someone not wanting to get involved in a debate. I have seen in some circles even argue the saying nothing is a violent action against X group. So for those that get on there bad end becoming far right/paranoid is a natural path do to how existential it feels to your very way of life in a personal way.
A very wise line said:"Obnoxious actions,obnoxious results" . Leaving a group or a discordant voice censored implies to more desperate way of giving the message. For SJW,everything is too much that they throw the innocent until proven guilty to the water,you are being violent either way. Of course it is natual path and while it doesn't affect someone else too much,it somehow leaks into everything you like or any entertainment to political stuff. That creates a suffocating feeling and affects you somehow. Instead of calling them SJW,I would call them SOW,social obnoxious warriors. The justice is an excuse to make an noise that only is unfair for others who have done nothing. But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect.

> I was talking about any conservative backlash, be it moderate or extremely far right having a brief go at doing massive reform and blowing it in someway. Not even talking about right now because both conservatives and progressives and liberals have stuff they could point the other at if the economy fails in the near term and would probably only cost right wingers an election or two at most, especially if the dems went full on SJW.

I will say that this generation could prevent from making so much backlash. Everyone can point out at everyone that isn't from their zone but that's putting themselves into low quality profiles of politics.
Democrats have gone almost full SJW,could it work again? Maybe but they would have to double the bet and make it bigger than this. There is no way to find a balance with that dynamic. Some SJW become huge conservatives or abstents whenever they see themselves lied or see the meaning behind their purpose. 
If there is something that Dems have to learn is that this extermely progressist (almost totalitarian not to say completely)way doesn't work in the long term and that could be transmitted by winning the elections again. Maybe they will leave those mediums a little bit on the background next time.

I don't see it that clear for the future though