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> Should the US have such an armed population with all the pain? All assult weapons bans on the table grandfathered all guns currently owned, now standing at 8 million. Then many want to go futher and ban all simi autos, but that would include over 100 million weapons at least. There would be mass dissident and ilegal firearms in circulation for years. And the measures that would be taken to enforcement could lead to militarization of the police way more then anybody wants.
That's because the weapon market is so huge and has brought so many different things or cults surrounding it that there is no way to go back and pretend it has done nothing. This direction should have been asked way before this century because it has become certainly an inherent identity.
> Perhaps let culture urbanize a little more, etc? I think there is a honest path that the uSA could try, slowly passing more restrictions and seeing where it goes. I am honestly think they'd have a fair shot if the will was for it. Can't blame anyone for wanting to try get rid of guns. I mean can you picture yourself after one being threw one of those things as a child?
Basically one could end up with paranoia or some psychological harm because of them if that happened. It's basically up to the direction the US wants to go but as you have said, it depends more on the people who lives the situation.As an outsider,perspective is pretty much utopic. Do you know the key factor for its ban or permission? The family values and close people. The more it affects to people on the emotional side,the more will think about banning them. The less they are affected or sensible, the more indifferent will be about the topic. That's one factor that could lead to those restrictions or future directions.
> Though the left in my country won't admit it, but at least for the past twenty years or so gun control was heading into retreat. There is always a little burst of support for gun control after each high profile shooting but it quickly gets countered by NRA/GOA/The Second Amendment Foundation and gets pushed out of the news by something else. On the one hand you have strange facts like being the Millennials of all things being the ones shown most opposed to an assult weapons ban and that as time past on over the last twenty years support for gun restrictions dropped from a solid two thirds majority to dancing about at fifty-fifty. But this time there is a stronger push than before, but will it last or fizzle out to some other left wing cause.
The biggest events could be the recent shootings from them. Either way,this could be another fad for being against but I see that Americans leave those intentions really soon so it doesn't leave any impact whatsoever. Not many seem to promise themselves to work behind their ban as hard as others would so it shows a pretty short term memory. Millenials could be a question mark considering that while they are not all sjw, they do not fit into the full conservative values.
>  I am personally pro gun but I won't go into my reasoning right now (because I ha ve typed enough walls of text already) and I don't think anyone is imoral or wrong for being against them. Sorry for all the links, makes /pone/ looked like a cucked /pol/.
Yeah I have typed a lot too about this and I basically have a perspective of putting the worst case scenario in which ai only trust who have principles,responsibilites and are stable for having a tool of power. The more power you have on your hands,the more responsible you are. I am one of those who sees humans as naturally evil. It's welcome to be open on different opinions but again,I barely add anything to the topic that you haven't discussed better before.
Also,/mlpol/ exists. The combination of ponies and politics is nothing new. In fact,many of them liked it because it brought comfy discussions about heat topics while posting nice pictures so any anger or frustration is somehow gone for having a chill ambient.