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Certainly, pony references in the media count as on topic, even if briefly, in my book. 

The comment converter formats and sets up the YT videos to be used in a archive fashion where they can be viewed with avatars and more easily readable than YT's infinite scrolling format  (that was the idea anyway). Examples here: >>/8381/

> is likely shutting down
Never liked that place but still a shame considering stuff might be lost in that mess.

>  "Even downloading at a low resolution such as 240p or 360p still is infinitely better than nothing (0p)
My mentality as well.

> I was wondering about that in the past. Now I know.
Found something of interest though not a full solution. National Library of Austria has tried to make a program that converts crawls:
Maybe not the most active development and has some potential issues of its own but good to note.