> My preference is for the characters to stay the same/same feel to the show just with deeper lore and sometimes fun fanservice but the overall tone being the same.
I think the 7th season has brought a fair balance with what you have said. I wonder how much it will differ in season 8.

> I know they feel grounded in having her learn stuff because she is the more responsible of the mane6, but they honestly could've had more storylines involving her. Heck, I've seen some argue that they have weakened her character further by having her sidelined by passing her secondary leadership role and her behaving more like a set piece.
It's ironic to think that AJ may have been reversed to a standard whle the standard behaviour became a full defined one for others. The opposite case that you have described is Celestia and the CMC and I feel that writers try to make AJ interesting yet,they cannot bring anything appealing to make her more popular or loved without being out of character.

> I understand them doing that. Though I do think it would be kind of an insult to her in a way if they change her completely personality wise yet other characters personality being left intact for the most part. Though I'm not judging anything till I see it
Me neither. Gen 5 leaks alone could even change the direction and take some influence for the future. Nothing is decided and much less when you can change so much in less than two years. Whenever we see something,we can go nuts about it.

> I like the edit honestly. Though I don't remember where I have seen this image before.
It could be from any CYOA thread,Alone in prison(I think that exists) or any thread with Anon in it. I think it appeared during 2017 but those type of threads don't catch my attention too much whenever I lurk in the catalog.