2022 video not in TPA - "[PMV Collab] Back to You" (original animation, artsy):
I have tens of gigabytes of subdomains from there, including this WARC (20-image gallery):
. https://cmcfeet.booru.org/ - small
.. https://gateway.pinata.cloud/ipfs/bafybeid3uiq57oapdhqsgt52jqdva4zc22nzomj7kqsj5bbug4frw2773m/cmcfeet.booru.org-2024-05-15-5add2f64/
About that subfolder: this -- https://archive.ph/?url=https://dweb.link/ipfs/bafkreidnzznfkc5dpkf37mjcqmlhbtyyewyd7zmwtwuraqm6mv6cvresia -- is a file in ../[...]. When trying to save it to archive.is, I got the "link shows up for my IP address but not archive.is's" which sometimes happens with dweb.link. https://archive.ph/wip/... timed out on the initial capture request. The odd/interesting part was the URLs that archive.today showed in /wip for that. It showed Cuckflare captcha -- https://dweb.link/cdn-cgi/challenge-platform/h/g/orchestrate/chl_page/v1 -- which I saw Protocol Labs add to ipfs.io recently/before. That's disturbing, but not my focus. That /wip URL also showed this non-Internet-routable IP address link -- -- which reveals something about how archive.ph or dweb.link works internally.
> Has their ever been any pony .onion site, specifically?