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2014 video not in TPA - "My Little Pony Nightmare Moon Evanescence Bring Me Back to Life" (more than 7 million views!):
This is one of those things that shows that is always good to double check. Something can be prominent and everyone thinks someone else must've got it but no one did. I remember that video! Wasn't something of a fav but I would just randomly click through stuff and I saw it a few times.I might... might have it downloaded somewhere when I was trying to go through the old emo and edgy PMVs and other related pony content in some early archive attempt.

> ImmaLittlePip

I think I recall this channel too but not for any of their content; I remember the name sticking out in comments of other videos that weren't MLP related. Now, maybe a different commenter but I think this is the channel. Two for two in vague nostalgia today! 

> I think I can recall some novelty stuff existing but I wouldn't know (and be traveled enough) to know every small corner of the Internet.

Perhaps I should rephrase that question. I wonder if there any dedicated pony sites with their own purposes or communities that were hosted only/primarily on .onion?  I would think so but know of none. 

>  Technically, this very site is a .onion ponysite (and primarily how I access it) and is an odd random coroner of the internet.

True, but this .onion, and a place such as Derpibooru's, are only alternative gateways to normal internet sites  often the case for me as well.