> Everyone wants money and power but it shouldn't be described as just that. It's pretty easy to simplify into that but I consider more important the interests behind or purposes. And I said the Illuminatti because they are rich and famous so I put them as the elite everyone wants to reach....

I was only talking about the perception. One hundred percent agree that things are way more complicated then the simple pursuit of power that so many portray. 

> Classic liberals were at the time considered progressive. 

I know of a few groups and factions that still sort of identify with the label to varying degrees.(Really pragmatic old old style republican. The more free market faction of UK's liberal party, etc)   I have sometimes heard it used to describe european liberals as a whole but I disagree. Then again, I often see neoliberal, liberal (in the European sense), classical liberal, and centrist all applied to the same group. Labels are confusing. 

> It's just as easy as putting it under a different name or copy the project and keep on going if it actually serves. I see that with the health system. Obamacare was a step on something Democrats wanted,why not copying ideas from it or keeping the idea? I mean, you take it as they have invented it but you can show and even overlook that fact when you make it work under your command by saying you are a hero for making it possible and caring about health more than democrats. It can even serve as a counter argument for future debates.

Exactly. The republicans just tried to dismantle it real quickly leaving people hanging with only vague poorly worded replacement, then just gave up with occasionally taking a stab at it. They honestly should try working with what they have. Ask more questions like: How can we make sure that this doesn't blow the budget? Is there anyway that we can cut the cost without cutting coverage? Is it possible to actually expand coverage with a more conservative ideas in place within it?, etc. All we have done is take a stab at the individual mandate with promises to insurers in the market exchanges that will pay for when they go into the red.Which is something we spent years shrilling  obama over.    (there actually is some signs that the market right now ironically enoug may have stabilized do to a panic run of people who where fearful to not be able to get insurance later/people who we jumping on and off staying on)