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>>/1039/ > A very wise line said:"Obnoxious actions,obnoxious results" . Leaving a group or a discordant voice censored implies to more desperate way of giving the message. For SJW,everything is too much that they throw the innocent until proven guilty to the water,you are being violent either way. Of course it is natual path and while it doesn't affect someone else too much,it somehow leaks into everything you like or any entertainment to political stuff. That creates a suffocating feeling and affects you somehow. Yes it does. Especially can be bad when they go after moderate or people that have the slightest disagreement with them. Makes one feel like they are going to be seen as evil and have their name dragged through the mud anyway. And even if it's not personal it still has a pretty big presence on the media you consume. Seeing tit is often in the mainstream being not weather they bow down to SJW's, but how much they bow is something that certainly affects people. Most at least make a token effort now to please them now in some way, and while tumblr will grumble about how it is not enough as long as they stay clear of doing anything too controversial and heavy they can usually get away of being exactly who they were ten years ago. Even then, such media will still often through some shade to whatever the thing the SJW's are shrilling about this month. TDLR: when most of your media is either being an sjw or at least pretending to be one iniself is a scary feeling that can drive ya to action/paranoia. > Instead of calling them SJW,I would call them SOW,social obnoxious warriors. The justice is an excuse to make an noise that only is unfair for others who have done nothing. But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect. I like SOW. It feels like it could lead to some funny meme shenanigans. > But again,anti SJW happen as a counter movement and they act equally or worse. It's the domino effect. Therefore giving the SOWs a pass to act worse, which then drives more people against them. The cycle can't go on forever but that's what I feel like we are in right now, at least partly. > Democrats have gone almost full SJW,could it work again? Maybe but they would have to double the bet and make it bigger than this. There is no way to find a balance with that dynamic. I feel like the election will be the ultimate test as to how far the democrats will go SJW/SOW. Right now there is a huge push to try to purge moderate memebers of the party, though it has been a mixed effort at best. New Jersey elected a banker as governor and much of the old guard did get challenged to varying degrees but so far has managed to hold on. Most recently the democratic establishment whats to try to make an effort this year on trying to pick up the suburbs from the Republicans, and there has been much infighting over that strategy. Basicly, that what Hillery tried to do, on paper anyway... sort of. Trump certainly gives the SOW rallying fuel try to justify that vengeance must be taken. Will have to wait and see. >>/1040/ > I am one of those who sees humans as naturally evil. I think of most humans as simple minded and easily corruptible with power, so not too much different I suppose. > It's welcome to be open on different opinions but again,I barely add anything to the topic that you haven't discussed better before. I disagree. You have both inquired and offered your own opinions and outlooks on things. > Also,/mlpol/ exists. The combination of ponies and politics is nothing new. In fact,many of them liked it because it brought comfy discussions about heat topics while posting nice pictures so any anger or frustration is somehow gone for having a chill ambient. Ah /mlpol/ I wasn't there for the day itself but I kept track of there movements afterward. Watching a chaotic mess unfold. Random pony raids on /pol/. /qa/ being occupied and dozens of boards set up across the interwebs before they finally gathered at ** and this is