thumbnail of CDDC86DB-7271-45CD-B36A-105CCA5C2EE6.jpeg
thumbnail of CDDC86DB-7271-45CD-B36A-105CCA5C2EE6.jpeg
CDDC86DB-7271-45CD-B3... jpeg
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This image: Rainbow Dash and the girls had a sleepover and repeated a certain phrase a certain amount of times before a candle-lit dark mirror. Unexpectedly, a monster of an unknown species appeared in the mirror.

In the past, there were posts about an IPFS search engine (multiple instances of this existed in the past but no longer work) and findability. Search engines are based on indexes. You can create indices of dags by running this:
> $ ipfs refs -r --format=" ->  = " [CID]
In the past I created scripts to index a dag (various methods), but sometimes I was annoyed that it would download the data and not just the metadata. Today I had a realization: just running the node as read-only! Haven't tried that, but it should work. (Other problem: shows blocks within files, may not want to do that and only show CIDs of files and not blocks within them.)