Summary, cont.:
Redundancy for torrents. Prepared for a HDD to die, ripoff HDD. Quote: "enterprise drives can handle a workload of 550 TB/year." >>/10476/ "smartctl, gives me 33,540 hours of power-on-hours. So.. 3 years, 302 days" (41078983). More on lifespan:
> I have a small nas with 2 mirrored hitachi drives running 24/7. I had to replace one that failed after 3 years (exactly after the end of its warranty), the other one is still doing fine at 5 years.
The Google Drive "MLP in 4k" thing is way different compared to the torrent 4K MLP. About the latter: YayPonies apparently has the same files as episode-per-torrent/infohash, such as "YP-4KLEU-01x01.mkv". BitTorrent doesn't have a thing to seed same files in different torrents automatically. HDD working operations. Operations with a folder with >500,000 mostly-empty files and zero subfolders (41079393). ZFS does more rw than non-COW FSes, and it was seen auto-scrubbing the entire device (41079422). Drive lifespan stats:
> Your workload does not sound impressive at all
> drives are used until they die.
> Check out Backblaze's test data, they use all kinds of drives (even consumer ones) in enterprise workloads for years:
> https://www.backblaze.com/cloud-storage/resources/hard-drive-test-data
> \>Other thing I was doing: every hour check if hundreds of files exist in a folder which contains half a million files and zero folders.
> Absolutely not a factor, you could even cache this data in RAM making it a free operation.
I've been merging two IPFS repos and noticed the following. On the one I'm emptying (moving all .data to the other one), it said this at the start and ~middle point: "ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | wc -l [\n] 1205" (saw 1,205 pins). After moving many files, it now says:
> $ TZ=UTC ipfs pin ls --type=recursive | wc -l
> 2024-06-17T12:17:28.300Z ERROR core core/builder.go:158 constructing the node: could not build arguments for function "reflect".makeFuncStub (reflect/asm_amd64.s:28): failed to build *mfs.Root: received non-nil error from function "github.com/ipfs/kubo/core/node".Files (github.com/ipfs/kubo@v0.23.0/core/node/core.go:136): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> Error: constructing the node (see log for full detail): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> 0
> $ # I saved the list of pins to a text file beforehoof.
Shouldn't be a problem because I duplicated the "datastore" folder when I saw that error, or I hope it doesn't end up being an issue.