Cont. Questions about "550 terabytes/year". 550 terabytes per year claimed in https://youtube.com/watch?v=IgJ6YolLxYE (video where a guy used Backblaze data to derive annualized failure rate, AFR, over years for some storage drives). Sharding in pony boorus, other info:
> >part of a process which does other stuff
> Like writing hundreds of files every hour (now every 24 hours) to said folder with 500,000+ files [...]. Is such a folder layout a good idea? Maybe not. I know certain websites do some type of sharding like filename 09aefde0... gets put into folder ./09/ae/fd/ or by date ./2023/06/08/ (like with some MLP boorus). There's likely a reason that this is done, don't know specifically what that is, but it felt unnecessary complicated so I just put said files all in that one folder. I needed to do it this way because it is a system where duplicates matter and this created easy deduplication which anyone could benefit from (and not just me if I turned on ZFS dedup). I know there's a different "dedup for the masses" system, but I felt like it had some other downsides.
More fails:
> Like I said above ITT, I think what I had and have is a ripoff, unfortunately. Not doing research and lazily buying more crap which sucks = kicked my ass.
I do know how to do that, undersold myself (could put it in /tmp or tmpfs/ramdisk or something):
> >you could even cache this data in RAM making it a free operation.
> I thought of doing something like that in the past. Don't know how to implement that.
More on shit and non-shit HDDs (41079687). Can you easily search Backblaze by HDD? Unfortunate events. Question:
> Is there any good external HDD which doesn't require outlet power? At the moment I feel like the answer is no, which is sad, or I don't know enough.
Trance music, it's uplifting; 00:14:40: