In the past I did thread summaries in a more terse way. Felt like doing it differently this time.
Cont. "Infinite hard drives hack" (41079713). Unlike BitTorrent, with IPFS you can upload or download a file, regardless of which online share it's in (folder/CID). Paragraphs-long post, read it!
Next post (paragraph-long) = continuing the post on a possible/impossible way to improve BitTorrent's system or other thoughts. "Foreshadowing":
> >In real life, drives are used until they die.
> I am doing that too, and I have/am doing that with various degrees of pain over my life. I have a HDD right now which I will work until it dies; I have set up backups and stuff so I don't care if it becomes inoperable.
> \ AFR likelihood increases the more months/years a storage device is used, so at least set a cut off point of a certain duration that the drive was used. Beyond or near that duration you "absolutely must" have a setup where you don't care if the drive fails (which it soon will).
More on shit/non-shit storage drives and "SSD companies guarantee 1 year data retention without power" (41080244). Informative post about data decay and failures:
> ExplainingComputers guy said that flash drives and SD cards that are unpowered for a year could degrade too just like SSDs could ( [Embed] ). Scary. I have some older USB thumb drives. SSDs and SD cards and thumb drives are like a cloud storage website: don't use it for a year and all your files will disappear.
> \ Any drive could die at any time, but there are tendencies >>/41079713/. If the warranty on a HDD is only one year then that says something: that even the manufacturer doesn't expect it to last that long. Try buying a HDD with a warranty of 2 to 5 years. How long does a HDD last? If it isn't shit... Like 2 to 5 years if using it under datacenter conditions and 3 to 7 years or long if used under normie conditions ( [Embed] ). Magnetic field decays, so refresh data every 5 years. Apparently some tape drives (write once read many/WORM) last about 30 years - well beyond the "I gotta do something every 1 or 2 or 5 years". And apparently tape drives are sometimes a third the cost of HDDs.
> If you really want a good MLP 4k, train a model on MLP style flash assets rendered at 1080p and 4k.