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In MLP there isn’t so much time travel shenanigans going on, but there’s interesting elements, like the magic of harmony, the presence of discord, the alternate universes Twilight and Glimmy fight in, and the gradual return of both ancient threats and ancient heroes later on into the show. I’m not sure how specifically it could be applied or even if it really fits, but part of me likes to imagine just from that line Twilight mentioned in passing that at this point in the show, the canon really is that Ponyville and Canterlot alone are more or less the entirety of Equestria, along with other things like currently Celestia’s wiser and more powerful than in later seasons and is still effectively a goddess. I wonder if other fans have something akin to this, maybe headcanon/au setting type of things where it’s canon, but canon as it existed in this or that season as the fans at the time understood it. I don't remember the season 3 finale all too well, but I vaguely remember it being quite reality-bending which would fit in perfectly with this theory.
Anyway that’s the pet theory.
Once the gang get on their way up the mountain, I love the incidental adventurous violion-and-glockenspiel music that accompanies their journey. Feels very suited to a small, pony-scale adventure like this. The background music often gets overshadowed by the proper songs in this show but the background music here and the music in the pilot both stand out to me as quite enjoyable, at least to my ears. As far as the climax goes, I think it’s another example of mixed messaging with the lesson. I suppose the lesson in light of the climax is that you shouldn’t underestimate shy people like Fluttershy, but the lesson up till now to me would seem to be don’t force people to take part and then be cross at them for not participating effectively enough.