thumbnail of 1378021634969.jpg
thumbnail of 1378021634969.jpg
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> I wanted to have a thing that I could use anywhere on my LAN (on any device) to archive webpages and whatever...
That's needed to have an archive-focused thing which I control instead of it being so remote and centralized. Struggles with that below:

> However, this Python thing doesn't work:
>  >
That, and/or my HTTP API at /ip4/ doesn't work well:
> $ curl
> 405 - Method Not Allowed
> $ # WebUI at ->
More/important info:

Error with Python thing "ipfs_api":
>  $ python3
>  Python 3.10.4 (main, Apr  2 2022, 09:04:19) [GCC 11.2.0] on linux
>  Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>  >>> import ipfs_api
>  >>> print(ipfs_api.my_id()) # print your IPFS peer ID
>  [bunch of errors, both with ipfs online and with it offline - such as "ConnectionRefusedError: [Errno 111] Connection refused"]

Other than those two, with just using CGI, www-data got permission denied even on a file with 777 (chmod, 0777/*rwxrwxrwx); that file is needed to run it. Maybe related: (Also, 777 is a bit dangerous because it give "total access to everyone"). This funny/weird image is
> file:///ipfs/bafybeifoniioydbdstmupn2jor3fzdc2vptkbzfboj7maeuikwpmnz4vgq/02/1378021634969.jpg