> ~2nd time uploading to LibGen
First time = about year(s) ago
> x = originally y
(Due to markup)
There's various other MLP books that could be uploaded to LibGen. A non-bad thing about centralization or centralized indexes: can "find everything" in one place (that applies to booru websites too.) You can "find everything" in decentralized things too, so sometimes decentralized things "have everything" and centralized things don't (and sometimes it's the other way around). Both can pull from the other, and both have limitations.
That MLP book may show up here later on:
> https://libgen.is/book/index.php?md5=57210030F19E50652245D9B4EFBEFFDA
It's a "YP bootleg" version with specific text which the original .epub doesn't have. So it isn't a simple conversion and the original vs. that version = two different versions of that book.
> So maybe you can get banned files in library.bz. I guess Library Genesis sometimes bans derived files in favor of the original files: such as PDFEPUB conversions.
I have/had some books on chess where the ebook MD5s showed up in LibGen as available there. Other MD5s in that set showed up as banned files in LibGen. So I could learn more on this topic in the future maybe.