About 2 months ago I pointed out that an 18-TB HDD of mine got stuck as read-only due to a nonexistent/bad UPS setup. This had horrible consequences later on, but I don't want to dwell on that right now. Instead, here's a positive thing. Couldn't access or was too dumb to access MFS root when it was RO, but after copying it all to another hundreds-of-dollars RW HDD I can access that root:
> $ ipfs files ls --long /
> a/ QmTUvjfyQDvkDnKKGHtXK5gtaNHbRD4TRrg3LAq4TtcJ8S 0
> tmp/ QmYJXAS9Myh2fKJRF269vHB6hiPmQnX8SkBi36ZFoyayLt 0
> $ echo $IPFS_PATH
> /zc/ipfs
> $ # like 9 terabytes in above CIDs

> When did 4chan remove the "posters in this thread" count?
Around this time - There:

Not there (relevant to Endpone /culture/ thread):

> catbox version on deterministic youtube-99zc2KZuaYg
Total Jenny Death version: