> Forgot to do this before moving: check MFS. Can't do that now, but I think I didn't have any unrecorded CIDs in there:
> >...
Got this error due to many missing .data files / blocks:
> $ IPFS_PATH=/zc/tomerge
> $ ipfs files ls --long /
> 2024-06-21T15:17:03.040-0600 ERROR core core/builder.go:158 constructing the node: could not build arguments for function "reflect".makeFuncStub (reflect/asm_amd64.s:28): failed to build *mfs.Root: received non-nil error from function "github.com/ipfs/kubo/core/node".Files (github.com/ipfs/kubo@v0.23.0/core/node/core.go:136): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> Error: constructing the node (see log for full detail): error loading filesroot from DAG: block was not found locally (offline): ipld: could not find QmRLsKdkgAm7PvnwfjKpze7vhUqzuWpgPUMzfwhZBxHDj8
> $ # Remember to record MFS before merging repos!
About those permutations:
> Dolores Dolores2
"Important string" wordfiltered, but you can get it from this command:
> $ echo "1f8b08000000000000033d90db71c43008455bb935a4a10c92b14d8c9006\
> 49eb28d587dd9de487e1758103c62d2ac739e0e43216a835e52fca5724c4\
> 52bdb1eb1c831d4dec12466f7285bd99c733cab50e50d25a0b12a58eccca\
> 7d0841a711326d6c99f1b7e6b321c95128a39f626207924e7eca3724274e\
> d30d3b595ef8e15c9d60a5209fbe3a7a2dd182d79c97b44feb3c305cbee3\
> 944374236c1227f9863ec8df60ffde4714a9548ba2e82388f2c9eca21c5a\
> 27b3f5641bbb3807334f47aaf10083aed8bab1b785ade6511d47d5c04204\
> f408d287d8d2b7fd00d9c18ada4871cc5216eaad1864176eb11a2fd969f6\
> f10b2bd2c29278010000" | xxd -p -r | gunzip; echo
> [...]
> $ # "gunzip" = "gzip -cd".