thumbnail of twilight_doctor.png
thumbnail of twilight_doctor.png
twilight_doctor png
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thumbnail of applejack_doctor.png
thumbnail of applejack_doctor.png
applejack_doctor png
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thumbnail of pinkie_doctor.png
thumbnail of pinkie_doctor.png
pinkie_doctor png
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thumbnail of rainbow_doctor.png
thumbnail of rainbow_doctor.png
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thumbnail of rarity_doctor.png
thumbnail of rarity_doctor.png
rarity_doctor png
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> classic horse colors
mane 5/6

Doesn't actually move the files. Not much of a problem, but something to be aware of.

More CLI information... I have been copying CIDs from one computer to another (in both directions). HPC is the computer with a program uptime of 31 days straight now. I improved the command I'm using to do some of that:
$ ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive" | sed "s/ .*//g" | \
sort | uniq | xargs -d "\n" sh -c 'for args do a() { ipfs --offline pin add --progress $args  \
ssh [email protected] "export IPFS_PATH=/path; ipfs dag export $args" | ipfs dag import --stats; }; \
echo == $args; ipfs pin ls --type=recursive $args  a; done' _. Can declare and use a function in sh/xargs.
. "ipfs --offline..." tries pinning it in offline mode: this saves on the need to grab it from another computer if it succeeds
. if offline pinning fails, do get it from the other computer

How the "" operator works in Bash: do the command only if the previous one failed, only applies to one statement. Details... "echo snowpity | grep mare  echo Mare not found"->"Mare not found"; "echo mare | grep mare  echo Mare not found"->"mare". This is basic stuff, but what about running multiple commands only if the previous one failed? (See "echo $?" for exit code of previous command.) Use a function:
> $ a() { echo Rainbow Dash ran so far...; echo ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.; }; echo snowpity | grep mare  a
> Rainbow Dash ran so far...
> ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.
> $ a() { echo Rainbow Dash ran so far...; echo ...that the extreme running made her taste blood in her mouth.; }; echo mare | grep mare  a
> mare
> $ # Also basic stuff, but good to explicitly know.
In Bash, "&&" is the opposite of "", so it runs the command only if the previous one succeeded. (In other words: "boolean previous; ...; || = if(!previous) echo 'if false do'; && = if(previous) echo 'if true do';".) The above applies.